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Physiotherapy for scoliosis and flatfoot in children

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Physiotherapy for scoliosis and flatfoot in children
Radostina Bobcheva
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0887 50 30 60

Flatfoot and scoliosis are common problems in children, which, if not diagnosed and treated in time, can lead to serious consequences for the health and development of the musculoskeletal system. Early recognition and proper treatment of these conditions are key to preventing future complications and improving the child's quality of life.

The team of experienced physiotherapists and rehabilitators of the Haelan Care 4 Medical Center, Varna, offers professional consultation with a rehabilitator and preparation of an individual kinesiotherapy program for children with spinal deformities or flat feet at a promotional price until the end of the year. In addition, each child also receives one pain-relieving physiotherapy procedure to support the recovery process and relieve possible pain.

Scoliosis is defined as an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine, most often diagnosed in children. It can cause symptoms ranging from mild to severe, and lateral curvature can limit basic functionalities, such as breathing, sitting, bending or walking. Symptoms of prescoliosis usually include:

  • Pain in the middle or lower back
  • Tingling and tingling in the hands or feet
  • Difficulty maintaining an upright posture and difficulty breathing

If your child carries heavy bags to school and/or training, stands often in a sitting position and you notice a distortion or any alignment, see a specialist doctor or a professional physiotherapist. It is important that spinal curvatures are diagnosed as early as possible to avoid complications!

Physiotherapy is the most effective treatment for scoliosisas it is a non-invasive and natural manipulation. The objectives are:

  • Controlling pain
  • Improving the position of the spine
  • Resumption of strength
  • Maximize the range of motion of the spine and limbs
  • Facilitating breathing and lung function
  • Strengthening the muscles that support the spine
  • Reducing joint pain due to muscle imbalance

Other procedures that are applied during physiotherapy treatment include:

  • Electrical Stimulation (TENS)- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is one of the most effective and harmless methods of pain relief. The main advantages of therapy are instant action and the absence of side effects.
  • Ultrasonics- The general action of ultrasound is analgesic and anti-inflammatory, stimulates tissue regeneration, normalizes vascular tone, improves metabolism and activates blood circulation.
  • Kinesitherapy - The main goal of kinesitherapy in scoliosis is the restoration of the spine in the physiological planes and the creation of symmetry in muscle imbalance. The general health of the patient is restored, the respiratory capacity and blood circulation in the body are improved.
  • Kinesiotaping - Kinesio tape can be applied to gently stretch tight muscles and reduce pain and spasm.

Not uncommon are cases when violations in the correct posture of the child occur, not from weakness of the musculature, but from a fall of the arch of the foot.

Flatfoot(flat foot or fallen arch), is the relaxation of the longitudinal arch or both arches of the human foot. The soles of most people have a raised arch along the inner edge of the foot between the heel and the base of the toes. This vault usually develops between the ages of three and seven years. If this does not happen, flatfoot appears. In it, the muscles, ligaments and tendons supporting the arched shape of the foot, as well as the bones, relax and touch the ground. The normal foot works as a shock absorber of the whole body. Every time we step or run, the feet take up to 5 times our weight and if this function were missing, our bones would not bear the weight with which we load them and would dislocate. Violation of this balance leads to a change in the statics of the legs, and from there to discomfort, rapid fatigue when walking and pain all over the legs.

The reasons for the occurrence of flatfoot are:

  • Hereditary joint baldness (greater joint mobility and weaker connective tissue) — the most common cause
  • Rickets
  • Congenital bone abnormalities, which are more severe cases and mostly require surgery and others

Some predisposing factors for the occurrence of flatfoot are:

  • Incorrectly selected shoes — narrow, with a hard sole, second-hand shoes, etc.
  • Shortened Achilles tendons
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Deficiency of nutrients in the body
  • Overweight
  • Injuries and fatiguing exercises
  • Prolonged standing without movement of the legs

In most children, flatfoot does not cause symptoms. They do not suffer from pain or other troubles. However, parents usually notice that their children get tired easily, have an unstable gait, wear and deform their shoes, their heels are slightly twisted outward.

‍ In addition to wearing orthopedic insoles and shoes, through kinesiotherapy, you need to strengthen the muscles of the foot with special exercises or games suitable for this purpose. Examples of exercises are - the child walks only on heels, on the outer edge of the feet, on the heel with a pencil inserted under the fingers, which support him not to fall.

If there is a desire to practice some kind of sport, one should choose one in which there is no heavy load on the feet.

For more information and advice, contact our team of professional rehabilitators and kinesiоtherapists at MC Haelan Care 4, Varna on the phone number 0887 50 30 60.

Do not miss the opportunity to consult a rehabilitator and prepare an individual kinesiotherapy program for children with spinal deformities or flat feet at a promotional price of BGN 35 until the end of the year in MC Haelan Care 4. In addition, each child also receives one pain-relieving physiotherapy procedure to support the recovery process and relieve possible pain.