Integrated Health Care for Employers

We understand that your employees are your company's most valuable resource, and that's why we provide innovative and flexible healthcare solutions to support their health.

Healthcare solutions for your employees

Our services are designed to provide complete and integrated care, providing your employees with maximum comfort and security.

stethoscope icon with green elements

Prophylactic examinations

Include annual preventive examinations as part of the benefits package offered to your employees. This helps to recognize potential health risks early and improves their health status.

иконка на болница и зелен плюс в нея

Trusted medical centers

Your employees have the opportunity to receive examinations in our medical centers at preferential prices. Our locations are comfortable and equipped with modern equipment, and the quality of service comes first.

icon with a screen and a green line recreating a pulse

Health Status Screening

Organize a screening of the health status of your employees, taking into account the specifics of their work. This contributes to a better state of health and is in the interest of your company's employee care policy.

icon of a man with a stethoscope on the neck and a green forehead

On-site examinations in the office

We offer on-site visits by health professionals at the office for examinations, sampling and various medical manipulations as needed. It is a convenient solution for diagnosing and preventing the health of your employees.

illustration of a suitcase with a green plus

Subscription plans

We create flexible subscription plans that can be financed by the employer in full, in part or provided as an advantage for employees, as well as customized to specific needs.

icon with heart and green pulse line

Integrated Health Care

Provide integrated health care for your employees that includes a personal approach and prevention. This type of care is particularly suitable for chronically ill employees and helps reduce the risk of complications and hospitalization.

icon with a hand and a green plus above it

Occupational Health Programs

We create specialized health programs to meet the specific needs of your company. These include a variety of medical services and guarantee full coverage of the health needs of your employees.

иконка два документа един върху друг и зелен плюс в него

Health Seminars and Trainings

We conduct health seminars and trainings to help improve the health of your employees and inform your employees about important aspects of healthy lifestyles, disease prevention and stress management.

icon with a computer screen and a green plus in it

Telemedicine services

We offer intensive 24/7 cardio monitoring via a 3-channel ECG device. The doctor has constant access to the patient's vital indicators in real time. All his data is transferred to a single health record.

illustration of a phone with a bubble in which there is a green plus sign

Employee Health Portal

We create online health portals that provide information on health topics, benefits, access to personal health data and the ability to reserve appointment times, facilitating communication and access to health care.

icon with a tube and a drop on the right

Specialized tests and research

We offer a variety of specialized health tests and examinations to help identify diseases and health risks early. This may include genetic testing, screening for specific diseases, and more.

Medical team with a female laywoman in a white apron in the foreground

About us

Born from the drive for change and improvement in healthcare in Bulgaria, we believe that health is the basis of the successful functioning of any business. Our mission is to provide innovative and holistic health services that support not only the physical but also the mental well-being of your employees and customers. Our goal is to provide long-term health care.

Your trusted health partner

We are proud to be so much more than healthcare providers — we are true partners in caring for the health of your employees. Our team conscience, experience and vision enable us to deliver truly integrated healthcare solutions.

Contact us to discuss how we can create a solution that supports the health and well-being of your organization's employees or customers.

Male doctor explains to female doctor on tablet

Entrust us to take care of the health of your employees

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