Professional Surgical Services at Haelan Clinics

Trust our specialists with many years of experience in the field of general, abdominal, thoracic and restorative surgery for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of various diseases.


Dr. Velislav Dobrev
Dr. Velislav Dobrev
Haеlan Care 4 - Medical Center Varna
gr. Varna
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Assoc. Prof. Anton Tonev, MD
Assoc. Prof. Anton Tonev, MD
Haеlan Care 4 - Medical Center Varna
gr. Varna
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Dr. Nikolay Kuzmov
Dr. Nikolay Kuzmov
Haelan Care 2 - Medical Center Sofia Mladost
гр. София
Прочети повече
Dr. Nikolay Zhelezov
Dr. Nikolay Zhelezov
Haеlan Care 4 - Medical Center Varna
gr. Varna
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Contact us for a consultation to get the care you deserve. For you and your loved ones.

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