1 hour

Prophylactic package “My health”

Prevention package for men and women over 45 years of age

What does the package include and who is it suitable for?

This package is for people over 45 years of age who want to maintain their good health.

Taking anamnesis

Current complaints, past or chronic illnesses, medication intake, diet, physical activity, family burdens and others;

Measurement of vital indicators

Height, weight, BMI, heart rate, blood pressure, ECG, respiratory rate, limb view;

Laboratory studies

CBC, triglycerides, ASAT, ALAT, insulin, total LDL and HDL, glycated hemoglobin, tumor markers;

Imaging Diagnostics

Ultrasound of abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and abdominal aorta), thyroid gland and prostate (men) or mammary glands (women);

Examination by a cardiologist + echocardiography

Conclusion from a medical professional

Drawing up an opinion on the health status, a plan for follow-up and referral to a specialist or additional examinations.

Цена на пакета

245 BGN

What do you get after the end of the monitoring?

Why should I choose?


Preventive medical examinations more and more often detect diseases at an early stage, even when there are no pronounced symptoms. The early detection significantly increases the possibility of effective therapy, prevention of complications and better quality of life.


Only for 1 hour at MC Haelan we will do overall assessment of your health status, including ultrasound examination of target organs and laboratory tests, and we will prepare an individual health card with recommendations.


A team of medical professionals with high expertise, including a cardiologist and an imaging specialist with an individual approach to the patient's state of health and examination results

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Entrust us to take care of your health

Contact us for a consultation to get the care you deserve. For you and your loved ones.

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