Dr. Petya Ivanova
Dr. Petya Ivanova is a specialist dermatologist in Sofia with over 25 years of experience. Carries out the diagnosis and treatment of dermatological diseases.
Dr. Ivanova does not examine children.
Education and qualifications
Dr. Ivanova graduated from Stara Zagora Medical University in 1990, after which he acquired a specialty in Skin and Venereal Diseases at the Medical University of Sofia.
- Postgraduate qualifications - medical cosmetology, mycology, dermatoscopy and aesthetic dermatology;
- Participation in numerous national congresses and seminars in the specialty.
Dr. Ivanova is part of the team of specialists of Medico-Dental Center Haelan Care 2, Sofia.
Clinical Interests
Make an appointment at

Haelan Care 2 - Medical Center Sofia Mladost
With our medical-dental center located in the Business Park, we provide additional value by providing quality health care.