Dr. Iliya Alexandrov
Dr. Ilia Alexandrov is a specialist gastroenterologist in Sofia with over 7 years of medical experience. Carries out gastroenterological examinations and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas. His interests are in the field of hepatology.
Dr. Alexandrov does not examine children.
Education and qualifications
Graduated from Varna Medical University in 2016. He acquired his specialty Gastroenterology in 2022 after specializing in UPMBAL “St. John the Baptist.” She holds a Master's degree in Public Health and Health Management from the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University of Sofia.
- Abdominal ultrasound I level;
- Member of the Bulgarian Medical Association;
- Participation in a number of annual national congresses and seminars.
Dr. Aleksandrov practices at UPMBAL St. John Baptist in the Department of Gastroenterology at the Clinic of Internal Medicine and Medical Center NeoGenix Sofia. Works at MC Haylan Care 3.
Fluent in Russian and English.
Clinical Interests
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