Dr. Anna Grigorova

Dr. Anna Grigorova is a specialist in ENT diseases in Sofia with over 40 years of experience. Carries out consultative and diagnostic examinations and treatment of hearing, nose and throat problems, consultations and prevention in the field of ENT diseases, treatment of snoring and suffocation during sleep. Dr. Grigorova always approaches with due attention to each patient who visits her.

Education and qualifications

Graduated from Sofia Medical University in 1978. He acquired his specialty Otorhinolaryngology in 1986. Over the years, Dr. Grigorova has participated in numerous national congresses and seminars in the specialty.


After her graduation, Dr. Grigorova started working at Momin Prohod. She worked for many years in the ENT office of DCC 25 Sofia. He is currently part of the team of specialists of MDC Haylan Care 2, Gr. Sofia.

Clinical Interests

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